Experience worship that is more than a routine or obligation, but a dynamic and immersive encounter with Jesus. As you step into our worship center, you will find a space that invites you to pause, reflect, and worship wholeheartedly our God. Join us as we express the depth of worship through a modern experience that is both innovative and deeply rooted in tradition.

We offer a wide range of groups throughout the year. Life Groups happen every Sunday morning at 8:30 am and 11:30 am. Connect Groups run periodically throughout the year, on and off campus during the week, and range from 6-12 weeks at a time. Home Groups are weekly and vary by day and time. D Groups consist of 3-5 believers who meet weekly to discuss Scripture and encourage one another in the Lord.

Our future is in the next generation and the spiritual legacy we impart. Reaching all ages, from babies to college, we strive to build a foundation set on God's Truth found in Scripture. From Kid's Worship, Life Groups, Awana, and Bible Drills, to DNOW, Passion, and Strength to Stand, we will come alongside you by offering
Christ-centered activities and environments.

Serving others in our community or across the world is at the heart of Immanuel Baptist Church. From our weekly IBC Food Pantry to yearly mission trips nationally and abroad, we seek to show God's love and give to all people and nations, meeting both their spiritual and physical needs. IBC is On Mission!